Best Orthodontist in San Diego, CA
Not all orthodontists offer 24-hour emergency services in San Diego. If you’re looking for a local dentist in San Diego, CA who’s highly experienced and offers emergency dental services, Orthodontic & General Dentistry is the name you should look for. We are open from 8 am to 5 pm from Mondays to Thursdays and operate 24 hours a day from Fridays to Sundays.
To reach us, you can contact us by calling either of our offices on Garnet Avenue or 30th Street, or by sending us an email. Please use the form below for general information purposes only. DO NOT send your personal health information through this form. Specific patient care must be addressed during your appointment. So make sure to contact our local dentist in San Diego, CA first.
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Mon – Thu: 8AM – 5PM
Fri – Sun: 24 hrs